Bespoke Training
Our team of trainers also develop courses specific to your wishes and these can also be IOSH tailored courses, for which we also work with IOSH to get such courses officially approved.
These Courses are run at a number of locations around the UK, as well as via virtual delivery methods and are recognised by a number of interested third parties, such as enforcing bodies, insurance companies and clients. All Courses are delivered by our team of highly and experienced Consultants.
Our training consultants also deliver a number of shorter face to face Courses designed around client specific needs and requests. Examples of these include but are not limited to:
Fire Safety
Accident Investigation
DSEAR awareness
Senior leadership training
Contractor control
Event Safety awareness
Line Managers awareness
COSHH Awareness
Manual Handling
Asbestos Management
Emergency Planning
Risk Assessment Workshops
Management System Development

Safety Training
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires you to provide whatever information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of your employees. This is expanded by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which identify situations where health and safety training is particularly important, eg when people start work, on exposure to new or increased risks and where existing skills may have become rusty or need updating.
An essential part of Health & Safety management is the delivery of sensible, to the point, professional training to those that require it. Unfortunately, this aspect of risk management is often overlooked and ignored.
Suitable and sufficient training is a legal requirement, and the level of training will differ depending upon what your Company does, and what levels of risk are involved.
Training means helping people to learn how to do something, telling people what they should or should not do, or simply giving them information. Training isn’t just about formal ‘classroom’ courses. We develop and deliver, both Face to Face, virtual training and e-learning courses. We strongly believe that training should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

IOSH Courses
A safer working environment is a moral imperative and a happier more confident workforce leads to valuable benefits.
Safety is an investment, not a liability.
Forget everything you ever thought about stereotypical Health & Safety training. The Courses are interactive and structured to make a real difference in the place of work.
During the challenges of the current Pandemic Emergency, we have developed and adapted our courses so they can be delivered virtually whilst still keeping the feel of local contact and engaging discussions.
We have utilised our own unique tailored materials to deliver such courses, with clients yielding operational benefits such as a modularised approach to training delivery.
We currently run the following IOSH courses:
IOSH Managing Safely
IOSH Managing Safety Refresher
IOSH Working Safely
IOSH Fire Safety for Managers

See our tailored training in action.

Fire Safety Training
Our range of fire safety training courses includes recognised and accredited fire safety training, and bespoke fire safety training developed and tailored to meet your unique requirements, as well as e-learning packages.
Face to Face / Virtual Training
• IOSH Fire Safety for Managers
• A.C.T. Fire Warden Training
• A.C.T. Responsible Persons Awareness course
• DSEAR Awareness training
E-Learning Courses
• Fire Safety Awareness
• Fire Safety Awareness Refresher
• Fire Safety Awareness in Care Homes & Construction
• Fire Warden
• Fire Warden Refresher
• Fire Warden in Care Homes, Construction & Education
E Learning
Supplement the tools and guidance provided by our knowledge-bank of legislation, guidance and intelligence with access to our comprehensive suite of short courses.
We are offering bespoke online health and safety & HR training courses to help your organisation meet their obligations toward developing a positive health and safety culture.
These e-Learning courses are CPD Accredited and provide organisations of all sizes with an affordable online health and safety training solution.
Key benefits include:
An integrated compliance Learning Management System that can be accessed anywhere, for tracking employee progress;
The option to include standalone software or the ability to incorporate the health and safety e-Learning into your existing learning management system;
Online training which will save your organisation time and money compared to traditional methods;
A flexible programme which allows user’s freedom to complete the training at a time and place to suit them.
How it Works
1. Find a course
Peruse through our library of courses that are sensible, to the point and professionally produced. We can also help you manage your training rollout via our state of the art Learning Management System
2. Book on line
Use our online booking system to register and pay for the courses. You will be kept fully informed about the process from beginning to end .
3. Complete course
Download / Print off your Certificate
Whatever your needs we also deliver a number of short courses virtually such as:
Line Managers courses
Control of Contractors
Event Safety
Risk Assessment
COSHH awareness
DSEAR awareness

Crowd Management
In some cases we know that it is important that courses can be validated externally, so we already work in partnership with colleagues at Mind Over Matter Consultancy in delivering event safety courses that are accredited through Napier University, Edinburgh and are registered with the Qualifications and Credits Framework, (QCF).
Working with our partners at Mind Over Matter Consultancy and in association with Napier University Edinburgh, A.C.T. consultants are part of the delivery of two credit rated training programmes. The first being 5 modules that enable the participant to achieve a Professional Certificate in Event Safety Management. The award in this case would be a Professional Certificate in Event Safety Management.
The second programme is for those who wish to manage large events in a 'Safety Officer' role, the Crowd Management Programme will develop your underpinning knowledge to a level that enables the participant to confidently undertake these roles. The award in this case is a Professional Certificate in Crowd Management.
By combining these modules a participant would be able to achieve the Professional Diploma in Event and Crowd Safety Management.
The above two programmes are credit rated at level 8 SCQF which is equivalent to level 5 FHEQ. All credits are transferable across Europe and many areas of the world.